Walgreens and McDonalds (at Five Corner Crossings)

Atwater, California
Located at the Five Corners intersection in Atwater, the 14,490 square foot Walgreens Pharmacy and 5,000 square foot McDonald’s restaurant are tenants in the Five Corner Crossings neighborhood shopping center.
Leasing Contact

Leasing Representative
Will Bettencourt
Office: (925) 588-2232 | Email: WBettencourt@browmandevelopment.com


Property Manager
Brian Aita
Office: (925) 588-2213 | Email: BAita@BrowmanDevelopment.com

Leasing Representative
Jim Stephens
Office: (925) 588-2224
Email: JStephens@browmandevelopment.com

Property Manager
Brian Aita
Office: (925) 588-2212
Email: BAita@BrowmanDevelopment.com

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